Saturday, February 10, 2007

Water Extractions: Wee Waa

More from Google Earth! These images show that although Cubby station just over the border in Qld takes a lot of water - there are many smaller places taking water across northern NSW. The town of Wee Waa on the Namoi, south of Moree is surrounded by cotton plantations. in this image the town is in bottom right corner. If you double click it jumps to screen size.

Two images below are details of the top image. As the resolution of GE is not as good here the square ringtanks show as blue and fields are either green or brown.

This shows the area North East of Wee Waa. again acres of cotton plantations and ringtanks.

Detail (below) showing open water chanels and ring tanks. For a sense of scale this image is 19.5 klms across - a huge area with no native vegetation, trees or bushes left to stabilise the soil. Welcome to 'the country' in the early 21st century.

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